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Senators and Kites

Senators and kites can only soar when they are sufficiently tethered to home and when there is a steady wind from thence, directing them forward and upward.

With insufficient attachment to the place whence they came, Senators will waft away, never looking back.

In erratic winds with unsteady direction a kite will be torn into incoherent pieces or plunge downward.

Senators subjected to erratic winds of hateful rhetoric or unsteady winds of public opinion can soon become inconsistent and incoherent or plunge downward!

How does a Senator stay tethered to the place they came from?

How do consistent and steady winds prevail from the source at home to the destination in the Senate?

Today it is easy to keep that connective tether taut and active. With phone, email, and social media tethers to the distant “kite” Senator in the Senate, everyone at home can quickly communicate, comment, complain, or compliment.

It is not sporadic, erratic, emotional tweets and posts which keep a kite in place and soaring. It is steady, thoughtful, meaningful communications back and forth through those tethers, which allow the persons at home to direct the kite, keeping it in place, dancing it slightly back and forth in response to pulls from the tether, never swerving so far left or right that it can’t return to center, always attached to the place of origin, ignoring the steady taunts and selfish wants, always responding to the tugging needs and heartfelt pleads.

I offer to be Your Senator in a kite-like flight of hope in the distant sky, ready to accomplish great things, never absconding, always responding, to your rightful desiring tugs and purposeful pulling persuasion.

I’m ready to fly, just awaiting your signal to soar!


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